St Monans Swallows 0-1 Dysart

Riki Smith - St Monans SwallowsRiki Smith - St Monans Swallows
Riki Smith - St Monans Swallows
St Monans Swallows.......0 Dysart..............................1

Swallows entertained Dysart in a Championship league fixture.

Conditions overhead were poor with a strong wind making life difficult for players trying to make any meaningful passes.

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Unfortunately neither team got to grips with the wind which resulted in one of the poorest matches seen at The Mair for many a year.

Both teams found it almost impossible to create chances with McGilvary having the best effort of the first half when his lob was tipped away by the goalkeeper.

Dysart were reduced to long crosses into the box but these were dealt confidently by keeper Anderson.

The first half ended inevitably goalless, the second half proved to be as bad as the first period with little constructive football on show.

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Both teams huffed and puffed and the only shot of note was a fine Dysart from Smith which was parried away by the keeper diving to his right hand side.

Just as the game appeared to be petering out to a draw a scrappy winning goal from Dysart gave them an undeserved three points.

A long ball through the centre of the home defence was not dealt with properly.

Full back Greenhorn tackled the Dysart striker and the ball rebounded off his knee and rolled slowly over the line.

All in all a game to forget and it is to be hoped that better football will be in show qhwn Swallows travel to face Leslie next week.

Match day sponsor Colin Murray, Alba Mortgage Solutions.

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