Fife Doctor Who fan records dedication for Talking Book

Matthew Nicholson and Jenny T ColganMatthew Nicholson and Jenny T Colgan
Matthew Nicholson and Jenny T Colgan
A Fife Doctor Who fan has now been thrust into the world of his hero, after recording the dedication for one book about the Time Lord’s exploits, while being turned into a character in another.

Aberdour-based superfan Matthew Nicholson (25), a wheelchair user with cerebral palsy and sight problems first approached author Jenny T Colgan at a book signing and mentioned the lack of people with disabilities in books.

Jenny then named him as a character in her Doctor Who book The Christmas Invasion, and he has recorded a dedication on the Talking Book version of In The Blood.

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While Matthew can watch the Doctor’s adventures on television, he relies on the Talking Books produced by the Royal National Institute of Blind (RNIB) charity to enjoy them in book form.

Matthew said: “I met RNIB Scotland fundraiser Angela Preston. We chatted about how much I love listening to RNIB Talking Books and how ‘In The Blood’ wasn’t yet available. Angela said she would see what she could do about that. And now it’s been transcribed.”

Jenny said: “If it hadn’t been for Matthew pushing to have the book on audio, we wouldn’t have it. I love what the RNIB do, and I have family who benefit from what they do, so a big thanks to Matthew for doing this.”

So who is Matthew’s favourite?

“No competition,” insists Matthew. “David Tennant is the best Doctor.”