Name decided for new Kirkcaldy school and community hub

The new 'community campus' under construction last year.The new 'community campus' under construction last year.
The new 'community campus' under construction last year.
The brand new school and community hub in the east of Kirkcaldy will be called the Windmill Community Campus.

The decision was reached after a vote of eight to three in favour of the name by Kirkcaldy councillors this week.

Despite a strong argument being put forward for the other top preference in a community consultation exercise, Viewforth Community Campus, local members decided that the fresh start for Viewforth High School and Rosslyn School should be marked with a new name.

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Agreeing that both schools would maintain their own individual identities, Councillor Neil Crooks, chairman of the Kirkcaldy area committee said that the fact that the new campus would include the two schools as well as a council local office, Fife Cultural Trust library, community sports facilities and other community activities, called for a completely new outlook and approach than if it were just a new school building.

“We are not just talking about a new school building, this is a completely new idea for delivering a whole range of services, including two schools,” he said.

“If and when we make it a success, this type of model could be rolled out across other parts of Fife.”

Councillor Kay Carrington agreed, adding: “If we had Viewforth or Rosslyn in the name it would show a preference for one or the other. For me as a local member Windmill Community Campus encompasses a place which people will recognise.”

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Councillor Marie Penman said: “Viewforth High School will still exist and people will still refer to it as that for a while. We have to change that mindset and make it clear this is a whole new facility for the area, not just for those involved with the school.”

Councillor Lawrence Brown argued that the Viewforth name was a part of the area’s history and was widely recognised both locally and much further afield.

“I have been at the consultations and spoken to people there and it was obvious that many, including ex pupils wanted it to remain Viewforth.”

He said the old could be united with the new by the addition of the ‘Community Campus’ title.

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He was backed by former Viewforth pupil Councillor Carol Lindsay who said that to most people she had spoken to the name Viewforth was a tradition.

Councillor David Ross said it was important that both schools in the new campus retained their identities.

“It should be a coming together of equals, otherwise what message does that give about Rosslyn,” he asked.

The two preferences were put to the vote with Windmill gaining the majority.

Windmill Community Campus will open in August.

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