Residents frustrated over Fife village housing development

The road is the main link between the centre of Newburgh and the housing development.The road is the main link between the centre of Newburgh and the housing development.
The road is the main link between the centre of Newburgh and the housing development.
Residents in a north east Fife village have expressed concerns about the construction of a housing development.

Work has started in the last few weeks on creating a new 40-home development in the west side of Newburgh.

The site of the development is to the east of Banklands, with just one main road linking the area to most of the village.

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Local residents have expressed concerns about the work, which were flared during the first day, when a low loader got stuck on the road up to the development.

One woman, who didn’t want to be named, said: “We had a meeting with Fife Council and there are so many questions they can’t answer.

“The first day a lorry got stuck on the bridge. We were told it would not happen again, but the next week another one stopped there.”

Another resident, who also wished to remain anonymous, explained his concerns about the work.

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“They said they would not bring any low loaders up and they did,” he said.

“And it got stuck on the rail bridge, wedged in so we could not get in or out.

“This is just the first week and this is expected to go on for three years.

“None of us could get out. It’s impacting on all of us.”

He added: “Everyone in this part of the town is livid. No one is really listening to us.”

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Fife Council said it met with residents last month to discuss issues.

Robertson Partnership Homes said that the vehicle got stuck at the bridge due to debris.

Paul Wood, project manager, said: “Due to the adverse weather conditions over the past months there is an excess of grit and gravel debris on the road. When the vehicle slowed it could not gain the traction to pull back up the hill again. The vehicle then stopped, all parties discussed a plan of action and it was executed in a safe and controlled manner.

“Going forward we sweep the road to ensure no debris and we also have measures in place to provide towing assistance if required.”

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Robertson said that it was not aware of a second vehicle getting stuck on the bridge.

Mr Wood added: “The development is being carried out in a safe and controlled manner. We engage with the residents through public consultation, letter drops, community notice boards and restrict the times that our deliveries come to site.”

He said that Robertson had an “open door policy” and a community liaison team will be engaging with local schools and businesses.