Mossmorran climate camp protest scrapped

climate campclimate camp
climate camp
Five-day event was scheduled for July

Plans to stage a climate camp near Mossmorran have been ditched.

Climate Camp Scotland’s major event, scheduled for July, was due to last five days.

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It was called off after the decision was taken to postpone the UN’s climate conference, COP26, scheduled to be held in Glasgow in November.

The current coronavirus lockdown – which has resulted in a host of summer events being scrapped – also formed part of the decision.

But the organisers have pledged to continue working with community groups based near Mossmorran.

Climate Camp Scotland said: “At the forefront of this decision are the very real barriers raised by the ongoing global pandemic.

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“However, we also believe this decision is necessary to enable people in our movement to carry out caring responsibilities and mutual aid organising, work which we believe the climate movement must promote and embrace.

“We are resolved to continue to work with communities blighted by the Mossmorran gas plants, and strive for a just transition for communities and workers in Scotland and around the world.”

Organisers had planned to stage their event as close to the ethylene plant as possible, although no location was announced.

It would have been their first major event in Fife