Pair attacked on train for singing Oasis song

British Transport Police were called and Weir was traced.British Transport Police were called and Weir was traced.
British Transport Police were called and Weir was traced.
Two men were punched on a train on a busy late-night service between Edinburgh and Fife.

The attacker Alan Weir took offence to the males singing an Oasis song along with his female companion.

Weir (38) of Blair Street, Kelty, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

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He admitted that on August 10, he acted in an aggressive and intimidating manner, shouted, swore and challenged people to fight.

He assaulted Dahir Gallo by punching him on the head and body to his injury.

He further admitted he assaulted Jordan McIntosh by punching him on the head and body.

Depute fiscal Dev Kapadia said the incident took place on the 22.12 train from Edinburgh.

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The two victims were travelling back to Kirkcaldy and because the train was so busy, they had to sit on the floor next to a toilet, as there were no seats.

A female with Weir started talking to the men and they started singing an Oasis song together.

This appeared to upset Weir who became hostile to the men.

When the singing continued, he became more irritated and said the song was “p***”.

“Does he not like ‘Wonderwall’?” Sheriff Alastair Brown asked.

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The depute replied: “It seems he didn’t like her singing along and the fact they were enjoying some banter together.

“He became aggressive towards the men and wanted them to get off at the next stop for a fight.”

When they would not respond, Weir clenched his fist and began punching the men to the head and body when they were both still sitting on the floor.

Other passengers became involved in breaking up the incident. Weir and his female companion got off the train at Inverkeithing.

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The incident was reported to British Transport Police and images were released to the media in a bid to identify Weir, leading to him being traced.

Sheriff Brown called for reports and Weir will be sentenced on April 1.