Levenmouth Academy: An open letter from the captaincy team

Following comments from unions that there is a '˜chronic discipline crisis' at Levenmouth Academy, the pupils have their say...

Despite the recent negative media attention, Levenmouth Academy pupils have been achieving outstanding awards in multiple fields.

However, they are being disregarded because of the media’s strong focus on the negative factors of the school, such as behavioural and litter issues, which are in fact present in every school.

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The media must understand that these generic problems are constantly being tackled and resolved by the dedicated prefects and staff members.

Everyone in the school is constantly striving to improve the schools positive image.

We have so many amazing things happening inside the school such as achieving first place in the Gymnastics competition.

The English department are currently involved with the National Book Trust, where they are working with an author, Helen MacKinven, to work on their writing techniques.

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The school has also hosted several music department shows that showcased the pupils’ amazing talents.

We held the local Remembrance service in the school and invited local members of the community to join us to respectfully remember those who have fallen in our honour and who are still fighting.

There are many more events and achievements.

The school understands the media’s recent concern, however, we would like to reinforce the fact that the school is constantly achieving and striving to improve.

We feel that this negative publicity is due to the school being brand new and is unjust.

Other schools are experiencing similar problems as well, yet don’t attract the same negative attention as we do.

To read what the unions had to say, click here .

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